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Da (heart's) breaking point 
      "I can't keep proving my love"
I can't keep hurting... 

I get mad then so do you,
Arguing till sunrise. 

Smash the wall. Harder! 
Solves everything, right? Pound! "Argh!"
"Can't take it anymore!"

Listen! "No! You should! 
My fault I know, but you push" 
Starts from your mistakes! 

You can't see? My world... 
The depths of me, bleed and scream. 
"I know, so do I!" 

"I want to be free--
With you but you push, nagging" 
Sigh! You don't care, see...

When you say that, I... 
Feel the same. I speak my mind. 
You yell when I do! 

Honestly, I'm done! 
Is there any point? Spiraling
Inside hurricane... 

Whirling, thrusting us. 
Inside the eye of the storm 
Raining tears. Heart-break.

Da (heart's) breaking point 
      "I can't keep proving my love"
I can't either, so.

Note: Every day in April, I will post a haiku poem on Tumblr. Each poem continues off of the last, making the series into a short story. Haiku poems are stories in themselves so this a story within a story. On WordPress I will recap every 10 days. This is the tenth “chapter.”